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How Long Does a Typical Kitchen Remodeling Project Take?

Woman checking level and man drilling in cabinets of kitchen remodel project from We Do Kitchens 2Are you thinking about giving your kitchen a fresh new look? You’re probably wondering how long it will take to get the look you want. Whether you’re only replacing the cabinets or preparing for a complete overhaul, you undoubtedly want the project to wrap up as quickly as possible. The average time to remodel a kitchen varies widely, so let’s break down the factors that affect the timeframe and the phases of a remodel so you know what to expect.

If you decide the typical kitchen remodel timeframe is too drawn out, consider working with We Do Kitchens 2. Our team offers a faster, more affordable option for Southeast Wisconsin homeowners.

The Average Time to Remodel a Kitchen

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, a straightforward kitchen remodel typically takes six to eight weeks. This estimate is for a footprint replacement project, where the kitchen layout remains the same, and the new cabinets, countertops, and appliances are mainly aesthetic upgrades.

For more complex remodels that involve changing the kitchen’s layout, moving walls, or making structural changes, the timeline is more like 10 to 12 weeks, or even longer in some cases. These projects require additional steps, such as relocating plumbing or electrical lines and making custom design changes, which add time and complexity to the project.

Factors That Affect the Kitchen Remodel Time

Several factors influence how long your kitchen remodel will take:

  • Kitchen size: Larger kitchens naturally require more time to remodel due to the increased amount of materials and labor needed.
  • Scope of work: Simple updates like new countertops and cabinets take less time than projects involving structural changes or new layouts.
  • Special orders and custom items: Custom cabinetry or unique fixtures that aren’t readily available may delay the project as you wait for these items to be delivered.
  • Permits and inspections: Large-scale remodels often require building permits and inspections, which can add days or weeks to the timeline.
  • Availability of labor: Subcontractors’ schedules may impact the completion date, especially if specific trades or products are in high demand.

Potential Complications That Can Delay Your Remodel

Even the best-laid plans can encounter delays. Here are some common issues that may extend the timeline of your kitchen remodel:

  • Unforeseen structural issues: Discovering hidden water damage, mold, or other structural problems during demolition halts progress until repairs can be made.
  • Supply chain issues: Back-ordered materials or fixtures will delay the project unless you find suitable alternatives.
  • Change orders: If you make changes after construction starts, such as adding extra features or changing design elements, expect this to push back the completion date.

Typical Phases of a Kitchen Remodeling Project

Here’s an example of an average kitchen remodel timeline to help you know what to expect:

Pre-Construction Phase

  • Design and planning: Meet with your design team to select materials and create a detailed plan.
  • Permits and approvals: Obtain permits and schedule inspections if structural changes are involved.
  • Ordering materials: Ensure all materials are ordered and scheduled for delivery according to the construction timeline.

Construction Phase

  • Demolition (1 to 2 weeks): Remove old fixtures, cabinets, and appliances.
  • Rough-in work (1 to 2 weeks): Install or move plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems.
  • Initial inspection (1 week): Conduct rough-in inspections before closing up the walls.
  • Drywall and flooring (2 to 3 weeks): Install and finish drywall, followed by flooring installation.
  • Cabinet installation (1 week): Place and secure new cabinets.
  • Countertops and appliances (1 to 2 weeks): Template, fabricate, and install countertops. Then, install the appliances.
  • Final inspection (1 week): Pass the final inspection for plumbing and electrical systems.
  • Final touches (1 week): Painting, finishing work, and thorough cleaning are the last steps before the final walkthrough with the homeowner.

We Do Kitchens 2: Fast and Stress-Free Remodeling

What if you could remodel your kitchen in two weeks or less? At We Do Kitchens 2, we’ve streamlined the kitchen remodeling process to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency. Our approach is designed for homeowners in Southeast Wisconsin who want a high-quality remodel without a long and inconvenient wait.

How do we do it? First, we offer standardized options that keep your costs down and your project on schedule. Then, our in-house team handles everything, from design to installation, reducing delays associated with coordinating multiple subcontractors. We also specialize in straightforward footprint replacement projects that require no permits or inspections, allowing us to offer the quickest turnaround time in the business.

We Do Kitchens 2 is a locally owned and operated business serving Southeast Wisconsin with over 100 years of combined design experience. We know which trends work and how to implement them, aiming to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. To get started, please visit our showroom in Greenfield, WI, or schedule an in-home consultation today.

Contact We Do Kitchens 2 for Your Free Estimate