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How to Choose the Right Kitchen Cabinets

White kitchen cabinets from We Do Kitchens 2You have a lot of decisions to make when planning a kitchen renovation, including choosing the right cabinets. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Let’s explore everything you need to consider when choosing kitchen cabinets, from the style and color to the hardware and material quality.

Consider Your Kitchen’s Style

The first step is to think about your kitchen’s overall style. Whether you’re remodeling the entire kitchen or just replacing the cabinets, they should exude your preferred style, which may include:

  • Traditional: If you want a timeless look, choose cabinets with ornate details, raised panels, and warm wood tones. Traditional cabinets often feature crown molding, glass door panels, and other decorative elements that add to their classic appeal.
  • Contemporary: For a more modern vibe, select sleek cabinets with clean lines and a frameless design. These cabinets typically have flat panels, high-gloss finishes, and minimalist hardware for a streamlined look.
  • Transitional: If you prefer a mix of traditional and modern elements, transitional cabinets are a great option. Shaker-style doors, which are among the most popular, fit into this category.

Select Cabinet Colors

The kitchen cabinet color drastically impacts your kitchen’s overall feel. Here are some tips on how to choose a kitchen cabinet color:

  • Consider your space: Light colors like white, cream, or light gray make a small kitchen feel larger and more open. Darker colors, such as navy, forest green, or even black, add drama and warmth to larger spaces.
  • Match with existing elements: If you’re only partially renovating your kitchen, choose a cabinet color that complements the countertops, backsplash, and flooring you plan to keep.
  • Think about trends: While choosing a color you love is important, current trends are also worth considering, especially if you plan to sell your home soon. Neutral tones are always a safe bet, but don’t be afraid to add a pop of color if it suits your style.

Choose Kitchen Cabinet Hardware

Hardware is a small detail, but it makes a big impact on how your cabinets look and function. When choosing kitchen cabinet hardware, consider the following:

  • Style consistency: Ensure your hardware matches the cabinet style. For instance, ornate knobs and handles in bronze or brass are ideal for traditional cabinets. Minimalist hardware in stainless steel or matte black combines well with modern cabinets.
  • Comfort and functionality: Choose hardware that feels good in your hand and is easy to use. If you have young children or older adults in your home, look for hardware with smooth edges and easy grips.
  • Finish coordination: Consider matching your hardware finish with other fixtures in your kitchen, such as faucets and lighting, for a cohesive and polished look.

Think About Materials and Durability

Kitchen cabinets need to withstand daily use, so it’s crucial to choose durable, easy-to-maintain materials. Here’s how different options stack up:

  • Solid wood: This material offers timeless beauty and durability, but it’s the most expensive option and may require more maintenance.
  • Plywood: This strong and stable material is less prone to warping than solid wood and won’t swell when it gets wet. It’s an excellent choice for cabinet boxes and shelves.
  • Medium-density fiberboard (MDF): While MDF is affordable and resistant to cracking, it’s heavy, difficult to work with, and prone to swelling if a plumbing leak occurs.
  • Particleboard: As the most budget-friendly option, particleboard is less durable than plywood or MDF. It’s only suitable for temporary solutions.

Consider Storage and Function

Efficient storage and smooth operation are the foundation of functional kitchen cabinets. Here are some features to consider:

  • Slow-close doors and drawers: While relatively new, slow-close hinges and drawer glides come standard with many new cabinets. Installing slow-close hardware from the get-go is much easier than retrofitting existing doors and drawers later.
  • Turntables: Perfect for awkward corner cabinets, turntables allow you to maintain easy access to odds and ends that don’t store easily elsewhere.
  • Built-in organizers: Drawer dividers, spice racks, and pull-out shelves keep your kitchen organized and maximize every square foot of storage space.

Get a Kitchen Cabinet Estimate in Southeast Wisconsin

At We Do Kitchens 2, we make choosing the right kitchen cabinets fast and easy. Our in-house design team can show you samples or accompany you around the showroom to see some of our most popular products in person. We also use CAD drawings to help you visualize your kitchen cabinet design. Unlike other companies with long lead times, we can take you from estimate to install in under two weeks! It all starts with an in-home consultation, so contact us today to schedule a visit to your Southeast Wisconsin home.

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